
Our understanding
of sustainability

CECONOMY Sustainability Report 2023/24


Creating and shaping responsibility

To remain successful in the long term, we want to reconcile our activities along the value chain with the ecological, social and legal parameters. Together with MediaMarktSaturn as the core of our business activities we decided to shape and influence responsible and sustainable business. CECONOMY is also a role model for the entire industry. We call this way the “BetterWay”.

Man navigating on tablet


Our sustainability strategy

As Europe's largest consumer electronics retailer, we are committed to playing a leading role in addressing global key challenges - for people, communities, and the environment alike. Our levers: the way we work operationally and how we guide our employees on sustainability issues for success; and the way we enable our customers a more sustainable lifestyle.

CECONOMY strives for ambitious strategic ESG goals:

“We offer a climate-neutral shopping experience.”

We have set ourselves ambitious climate targets to reduce our emissions (Scope 1 to 3). Through the ongoing optimization of our business processes, increasingly stringent demands on our suppliers, and carbon-neutral delivery, we enable our customers to protect the climate when buying from us.

“We provide the most sustainable range of consumer electronics and are pioneers of the circular economy in Europe.”

Maximum circular economy thanks to energy-efficient, sustainably produced, and packaged projects as well as offerings that make products more attractive to customers and usable for longer. The product lifecycle is extended through repairs and other resource-conserving services, and products are made available for secondary and tertiary use.

“We take social responsibility for our employees, suppliers and communities.”

Our business is based on social responsibility to our employees, to suppliers throughout the supply chain and in the communities we touch. This includes fairness, transparency and diversity.

Our commitment

Sustainable products

We focus on clear labeling of sustainable products and services for our customers to promote sustainable consumption.

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Environmentally friendly services

We support innovative product solutions and service concepts that enable sustainable consumption.

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Climate protection

We take responsibility for emissions that arise directly or indirectly from our business activities along the value chain.

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Supply chain

We take responsibility for our supply chain and want to create more transparency here together with our customers, suppliers and employees.

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Diversity and inclusion

We create the conditions to ensure that every employee – regardless of ethnic origin, sexual identity, age, disability, religion or gender – has the same opportunities.

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Corporate Citizenship

We are committed to socially relevant topics where we can contribute to enriching people's lives with our products, approaches and competencies.

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Further information on BetterWay at MediaMarkt and Saturn:

BetterWay MediaMarkt (German)
BetterWay Saturn (German)


Our mid-term goals

We have committed ourselves to ambitious goals. These include:

//  Reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 58.8% by 2032/33 (base year 2018/19)*

// 100% of our direct electricity procurement from renewable energies by 2029/30

// 6,000 sustainable products in our range by 2025 (currently: 4,933)

* SBTi targets officially confirmed

Sustainability Key Figures

Environment & Social

DIRECT CO2-EMISSIONS OF OWN BUSINESS OPERATIONS Reduced by 49 % since base year 2018/19
SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS (in tCO2e) Approximately 20.3 m in financial year 2023/24
(use of sold products)

Reduced by 31 % since base year 2018/19
100 % of our directly purchased electricity in financial year 2023/24

EMPLOYEES From 123 nations in financial year 2023/24
39.2 % in CECONOMY workforce in financial year 2023/24
LABOR AND HUMAN RIGHTS 98.4 % of IMTRON production sites audited in financial year 2023/24
WOMEN IN MANAGE­MENT POSITIONS 14.9 % in financial year 2023/24 (Level 1 + 2) Level 1: 18.4 %
Level 2: 14.6 %
TRADED-IN PRODUCTS Approximately 424000 in financial year 2023/24
REPAIRS Approximately 3 m Group-wide in financial year 2023/24
ENERGY CONSUMPTION Around 29 % of total energy consumption reduced since 2018/19

Ratings, initiatives and networks

CECONOMY belongs to selected sustainability initiatives and networks and has important ratings.


The current ratings of CECONOMY AG:

Initiatives and networks

Sustainable Consumtion Pledge Logo

Sustainable Consumption Pledge

CECONOMY joined the European Commission's Sustainable Consumption Pledge.

Learn more

UN Global Compact

CECONOMY is a member of UN Global Compact, the world's largest initiative for responsible corporate governance. The vision of the UN Global Compact is an inclusive and sustainable global economy based on its 10 universal principles.

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HDE Principles of Action

CECONOMY has signed the uniform principles of action of the German Retail Association (HDE) and is thus committed to responsible, sustainable action. In five guiding principles, the HDE defines the common understanding of the social role as entrepreneur, supplier, partner and employer.

Learn more (German)

German Diversity Charta

CECONOMY has been a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2018. In doing so, we have declared our willingness to stand up for diversity and appreciation as an employer.

Learn more
Complaints procedure for human rights and environmental risks

Under the German Supply Chain Act, companies are obliged to set up a complaints procedure that enables internal and external persons to report information. Our SpeakUp system allows people to report human rights or environmental risks or violations in their own business area and in the supply chain. Information will be treated confidentially; anonymous reporting is also possible. More information about the complaints procedure is available in the Rules of Procedure.

Non-Financial Group Report

Follow this link to see the separate Non-Financial Group Report including our strategic sustainability approach, as part of our current annual report:


For sustainability enquiries please contact sustainability_at_mediamarktsaturn.com.

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