birds-eye perspective, group of people in business clothing discussing in an antechamber

We get involved

Public Policy

In dialogue with society and politics

Retail is omnipresent: with both bricks-and-mortar and online stores, the industry ensures that consumers are reliably supplied with products and services. In a complex and quickly shifting environment, CECONOMY bears a major responsibility: we have an obligation of transparency vis-à-vis society. 

Woman in a modern meeting room presenting in front of her colleagues

On the basis of unified messages, we represent our positions to all stakeholders clearly and consistently at all times. CECONOMY is included in the EU’s transparency register. Thus we are committed to compliance with its associated Code of Conduct, which requires registered companies to declare their purposes and the interests and goals they pursue.

Our political objective

Transparency means dialogue. As a contact partner for policymakers, authorities and social organisations, we are engaged in close dialogue with various interest groups and actively contribute to the political debate in all countries in which we have business operations. In doing so, we pursue four objectives: 

Icon Mann und Frau

Building a reputation among the political stakeholders and in the societal environment 

Icon Kreis mit Pfeilen

Coordinating the work of the organisation and participating at the German and EU levels

Icon Auge Grün

Monitoring and managing legislation, political developments and issues

Icon Blatt Papier

Closely cooperating with and supporting the CECONOMY companies in all countries

Two men in suits walking through a modern office building while discussing

At the same time, through our engagement in the political sphere, we give CECONOMY as well as its subsidiaries and participating interests a voice – thereby supporting our operational business through robust networks.

Our public policy focuses

In its active public policy work, CECONOMY focuses in particular on four areas.

  • Icon Person Grau Icon Person Grün


    • Human Capital
    • Diversity
    • Skills shortage
    • Robotics
    • Work practices
    • Jobs
    • Impacts of the digital revolution
  • Icon Digital Grau Icon Digital Grün


    • Augmented Reality
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Voice assistants
    • Data protection
    • ePrivacy
    • Algorithms
    • Payment systems
  • Icon Welt Grau Icon Welt Grün


    • Circular economy
    • Waste electrical equipment
    • Plastics
    • Logistics
    • Accessibility
    • Vehicle bans
    • Climate protection
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    • Image of retail
    • Disruption online and offline
    • Inner cities
    • Sunday shopping
    • Consumer protection
    • Guarantees and warranties
    • Conditions
    • Selective distribution systems

We cover further industry topics through our membership in the following organisations:


Robert Echtermeyer

Head of Public Policy and External Relations
+49 151 1511 0142

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