Press Release

Stable, long-term financing structure: CECONOMY successfully places €500 million bond linked to sustainability targets

Düsseldorf, July 04, 2024

CECONOMY AG ("CECONOMY"), the parent company of MediaMarktSaturn, is now also setting a clear signal in terms of sustainability with the company's financing structure: CECONOMY has successfully placed a sustainability-linked bond in the amount of €500 million with a term until 2029. The interest rate is linked to CECONOMY reducing indirect greenhouse gases (Scope 3.11) by 14.8% by financial year 2026/27, starting from the base year 2021/22. This also underlines the Company's commitment to its climate targets. The group targets were validated by the SBTi ("Science Based Targets initiative") in May 2024.

The bond was oversubscribed several times and was issued on July 3, 2024.

Dr. Karsten Wildberger, CEO of CECONOMY AG and MediaMarktSaturn:

"I am delighted that we are renewing our long-term financial structure with the bond and securing it for the future. Sustainability is non-negotiable for us and we are now also demonstrating this with our financing structure. We know that not only our customers but also our investors have clear expectations of us in this area. We are now meeting these expectations with our sustainability-linked bond and are clearly committed to achieving our sustainability goals."

The issuance serves to refinance the bond issued in 2021 prior to maturity. By the early refinancing, the Company is creating the basis for a stable, long-term financing structure.

The new bond was rated BB-/BB by S&P and Fitch.

Dr. Kai-Ulrich Deissner, CFO of CECONOMY AG and MediaMarktSaturn:

"The successful placement of the bond shows that investors are honoring the path we have taken. This gives us the financial security we need for the coming years to focus fully on our core business."


Portrait Fabienne Caron

Fabienne Caron

Contact Investor Relations

Telefon: +49 (0) 211 5408 7226
Mobil: +49 (0) 151 4225 6418

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Jacqueline Casini

Press Contact

Telefon:+49 (0) 841 634 1360
Mobil: +49 (0)151 277 97164

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