Press Release
Promotion to the top class: MediaMarktSaturn parent company CECONOMY receives top rating in CDP climate-rating
Düsseldorf, 12 March 2025
Düsseldorf, 12 March 2025
// CECONOMY receives for the CDP climate rating "A-"2024
// Another improvement on the previous year
// Sustainability strategy of Europe's largest electronics retailer takes effect
CECONOMY AG (CECONOMY), Europe's leading consumer electronics company, has received an outstanding climate rating for the year 2024 from the non-profit sustainability organization Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). With a grade of "A-", CECONOMY has not only enhanced its position again compared to the previous year (B) but has also improved for the third year in a row (from B-, to B and A-). CDP is an international organization that has set itself the goal of supporting companies in combating climate change and promoting sustainable business practices. The CDP climate rating is based on a comprehensive analysis of the climate protection measures of companies worldwide.
With a grade of A- in the climate questionnaire, CECONOMY is almost at the top of the assessment group of over 22,000 companies worldwide in this category for the first time this year. CECONOMY is therefore one of the companies that have achieved the best possible category "Leadership". According to CDP, the top category is characterized by high-quality and comprehensive data that provides a complete overview of environmental impacts and transformation strategies.
"The good climate rating from the CDP shows that our transition to more sustainable business practices is bearing fruit. Our goal is clear: to make environmentally conscious consumption accessible to everyone and at the same time reduce our ecological footprint step by step. We are aware that we still have a way to go. As Europe's largest retailer of consumer electronics, we not only want to promote more sustainable business practices, but also set an example for the entire industry."
Dr. Karsten Wildberger, CEO of CECONOMY
The CDP climate protection rating assesses companies based on the emissions they release into the environment. CECONOMY has set itself the goal of reducing its direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Scope 2) by a total of 58.8 per cent by the end of the 2032/33 financial year. In addition, the Group aims to reduce the emissions generated along its value chain (Scope 3) by 32.5% in certain areas, based on the 2021/22 figures. These areas include transportation (Scope 3.4), purchased goods (Scope 3.1) and the use of products sold (Scope 3.11).
Further information on CECONOMY's targets sustainability and measures can be found in the recently published Sustainability Report 2023/24:
CECONOMY_Sustainability report_FY 2023_24