Young woman sitting on the train and using her smartphone

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board appoints, supervises and advises the members of the Management Board, and is directly involved in decisions of fundamental importance to the company. The Chair of the Supervisory Board coordinates the work of the Supervisory Board.

Members of the Supervisory Board of CECONOMY AG

The Supervisory Board comprises 20 members of whom ten are elected by the General Assembly and ten are elected by employees as required by the German Co-determination Act of 4 May 1976. Information regarding the members of the Supervisory Board, their professional profiles and details of other mandates are summarised here.

Thomas Dannenfeldt
Thomas Dannenfeldt


Thomas Dannenfeldt

Self-employed entrepreneur

Due to his professional career in various high-ranking management positions at Deutsche Telekom, Mr Dannenfeldt has outstanding knowledge in the areas of service, digitalisation, technology and marketing. Through his work as Chief Financial Officer of Deutsche Telekom AG until 2018, he also brings with him exceptional experience in the management of a listed global company and in all financial topics, including accounting and auditing.

CV Thomas Dannenfeldt
Jürgen Schulz
Jürgen Schulz


Jürgen Schulz

Department manager of the Service Department, Saturn Bielefeld, Chairman of the Works Council, Saturn Bielefeld

Due to his position at the Saturn store in Bielefeld, Mr Schulz has outstanding expertise in consumer electronics retailing. He is particularly knowledgeable in the field of after-sales with strong customer retention. Before the demerger of METRO GROUP, Mr Schulz was a member of the Supervisory Board of METRO AG. Thanks to his membership in the Supervisory Board of METRO AG and his role as Chairman of the Works Council, he has extensive experience in matters of co-determination at corporate and operational level.

CV Jürgen Schulz
Katrin Adt
Katrin Adt

Katrin Adt

Vice President Corporate Audit, Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Ms Adt is responsible for internal auditing at Mercedes-Benz Group AG since May 2023. Previously, she was responsible for the Group's own branches in Europe and thus the end-customer business with new and used passenger cars and vans of the Mercedes-Benz and smart brands as well as the associated service offering. In addition to her extensive experience in retail and the understanding of the markets in which CECONOMY operates, also acquired through her international career, Ms Adt has a strong expertise in marketing and human resources and is additionally building corporate governance competence in the current role.

CV Katrin Adt
Daniela Eckardt
Daniela Eckardt

ESG representative

Daniela Eckardt

Customer Service Manager, Saturn Alexanderplatz Berlin, Deputy Chairwoman of the Works Council, Saturn Alexanderplatz Berlin

As a qualified retail assistant with extensive professional experience, Ms Eckardt has wide-ranging knowledge in various areas of specialist- and general retail. As deputy chairwoman of a works council, she also has a special knowledge of co-determination at operational level.

CV Daniela Eckardt
Sabine Eckhardt
Sabine Eckhardt

ESG Representative

Sabine Eckhardt

Non-Executive Board Member, Advisor and Lecturer 

Due to her professional career with previous positions at companies in the media, consumer goods and real estate sectors, Ms Eckhardt has profound knowledge in sales and marketing and in the transformation of business models as well as in the areas of corporate management, strategic planing and digitalisation.

CV Sabine Eckhardt
Henrike Eickholt

Henrike Eickholt

Regional department head, ver.di trade department North Rhine-Westphalia

Ms Eickholt has a degree in business administration and is a qualified office administrator with extensive knowledge in the area of co-determination thanks to her many years of trade union activity. She also has extensive experience as a member of co-determined supervisory boards.

CV Henrike Eickholt
Ludwig Glosser
Ludwig Glosser

Ludwig Glosser

Lead Problem Manager and Sourcing Manager, IT Service Management, MMS Technology GmbH, and Chairman of the Works Council of MMS Technology GmbH

As a trained business computing expert who has already held various IT positions during his career at Media-Saturn, Mr Glosser is highly experienced in questions relating to the digitization in retail. As a member and chairman of a works council, he also has hands-on experience of co-determination at operational level.

CV Ludwig Glosser
Corinna Groß

Corinna Groß

Federal Retail Trade Group Leader, ver.di Bundesverwaltung, Berlin

Ms Groß has many years of experience in trade union work and has worked successfully in various leadership positions at ver.di. As a member of the Supervisory Board of a fashion house company, she also brings valuable industry knowledge in the retail sector.

CV Corinna Groß
Doreen Huber
Doreen Huber

Doreen Huber

Independent entrepreneur, investor and partner, EQT Ventures

Due to her many years of professional experience as an independent entrepreneur and investor, as well as her stations in companies with digitalised business models, Ms Huber has expertise above all in the areas of commerce, digitalisation / technology, corporate management, marketing and mergers and acquisitions.

CV Doreen Huber
Jürgen Kellerhals
Jürgen Kellerhals

Jürgen Kellerhals

Independent entrepreneur

With his many years of professional experience as an independent entrepreneur in the field of real estate development and commercial real estate leasing, Mr Kellerhals' competencies lie primarily in the areas of trade and business management.

CV Jürgen Kellerhals
Peter Kimpel

Peter Kimpel

Thanks to his many years of experience in management positions at various large international banks and as CFO of a company with a focus on internet-based business models, Mr. Kimpel's strengths lie particularly in the areas of finance and corporate management.

CV Peter Kimpel
Birgit Kretschmer

Birgit Kretschmer

Chief Financial Officer, C&A Mode GmbH & Co. KG

Mrs Birgit Kretschmer serves currently as Chief Financial Officer of C&A Mode GmbH & Co. KG. Previously, the business administration graduate held various management positions at adidas. She therefore not only has expertise in the areas of retail and corporate governance, but also in the areas of accounting and auditing as well as international experience.

CV Birgit Kretschmer
Paul Lehmann

Paul Lehmann

Trade Union Secretary, ver.di Oberfranken

As Trade Union Secretary at ver.di, Mr Lehmann brings with him extensive knowledge in the field of employee participation and, as a trained retail salesman, he has practical experience in the retail sector.

CV Paul Lehmann
Julian Norberg

Julian Norberg

Division Manager and Authorised Signatory Operational Excellence, Media-Saturn Deutschland GmbH

Mr Norberg brings with him a broad and long-standing experience from various management positions at MediaMarktSaturn. This, together with his training as a retail salesman and retail specialist, as well as his studies in international retail management, make him an expert in the retail sector.

CV Julian Norberg
Erich Schuhmacher
Erich Schuhmacher

Erich Schuhmacher

Head of Finance/Investment Controlling/Balances/Taxes, Convergenta Invest und Beteiligungs GmbH, Salzburg, Austria and Managing Director of several shopping centers and trading companies in Germany and Austria

Due to his long professional career in leading positions in various companies, Mr Schuhmacher has excellent knowledge in the areas of finance and controlling. 

Through his work as managing director of various trading companies, he also brings experience in the areas of retail and corporate management.

CV Erich Schuhmacher
Jascha Sperl

Jascha Sperl

Chairman of the General Works Council, MediaMarkt Heilbronn, Schwäbisch Hall and Crailsheim, Retail Salesman, Computer Department, MediaMarkt Heilbronn

Mr Sperl is a trained retail saleman. Due to his many years of professional experience, Mr Sperl has a wide range of knowledge in various areas of specialist and retail trade. The Chairman of the General Works Council, MediaMarkt Heilbronn, Schwäbisch Hall and Crailsheim also has special knowledge in matters of company co-determination.

CV Jascha Sperl
Christoph Vilanek
Christoph Vilanek

Christoph Vilanek

CEO, freenet AG

As CEO of freenet AG and member of supervisory boards and boards of directors of other (listed) companies, Mr Vilanek has extensive experience in retail, technology and international experience as well as digitalization and experience in management.

CV Christoph Vilanek
Sylvia Woelke
Sylvia Woelke

Sylvia Woelke

Manager Corporate Risk Management & Internal Controls, MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group GmbH, Chairwoman of the Works Council of the Joint Operation MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group GmbH, Media-Saturn Deutschland GmbH & MediaMarktSaturn Beschaffung und Logistik GmbH

Ms Woelke is an economist with a strong background in retail, having specialised in this field during her studies and gathered ongoing professional experience. Furthermore, Ms Woelke has a special knowledge of audit and control systems and risk management.

CV Sylvia Woelke
Committees of the Supervisory Board of CECONOMY AG

The Supervisory Board may form one or more committees from among its members to exercises its functions. The Supervisory Board has currently formed four committees: Presidential Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Mediation Committee pursuant to Sec. 27 para. 3 of the German Co-determination Act [MitbestG].

The committees generally prepare Supervisory Board-level consultations and resolutions within the framework of their responsibilities as stipulated by the Bylaws of the Supervisory Board or law. In addition, the Supervisory Board has transferred decision-making responsibilities to the committees within legally permitted parameters. Within these responsibilities, the committees act directly on behalf of the Supervisory Board.

The responsibilities of the Supervisory Board of CECONOMY AG committees are as follows: 

  • Presidential Committee

    In consideration of Sec. 107 para. 3 sentence 4 German Stock Corporation Act [AktG], the Presidential Committee in lieu of the Supervisory Board resolves upon the following matters:

    • Resolution-taking on elements qualifying non-compensation-relevant of the employment contracts of members of the Management Board;
    • Approval of other activities of a member of the Management Board within the meaning of Sec. 88 AktG as well as approval of the assumption of secondary occupations, especially Supervisory Board mandates in companies outside the Group companies;
    • Succession planning for the Management Board;
    • Legal transactions with members of the Management Board pursuant to Sec. 112 German Stock Corporation Act [AktG];
    • Granting of loans to the group of people listed in Sec. 89 and Sec. 115 German Stock Corporation Act [AktG] (especially Management Board and Supervisory Board members); insofar as the granting of a loan to a member of the Management Board is to be deemed to be part of the compensation, the Presidential Committee will become active only preparatorily;
    • Approval of contracts with members of the Supervisory Board pursuant to Sec. 114 German Stock Corporation Act [AktG];
    • Legal transactions which require the approval of the Supervisory Board according to Sec. 6 para. 1 lit. e of the Bylaws of the Management Board of the company;
    • Resolution-taking in such cases in which, in order to prevent the Company from considerable disadvantages, a suspension until the next meeting of the Supervisory Board deems unacceptable and also with a voting of the Supervisory Board within the required time frame cannot be brought about; the resolution must be reported in the next meeting of the Supervisory Board;
    • Resolution-taking on other matters that the Supervisory Board transferred the Presidential Committee by resolution.

    The Presidential Committee acts in a preparatory capacity for the Supervisory Board and submits recommendations for resolutions concerning:

    • Appointment and dismissal of Management Board members; in its considerations the committee takes into account that the term of office of a member of the Management Board of the Company as a rule should not extend beyond the age of 65;
    • Determination of the remuneration system for the members of the Management Board as well as the fixation and if necessary the reduction of the individual remuneration of the members of the Management Board pursuant to Sec. 87 para. 1 and para. 2 AktG;
    • Supervision of the application of the German Corporate Governance Code as well as preparation of the yearly compliance statement.

    Thomas Dannenfeldt (Chairman)
    Jürgen Schulz
    Katrin Adt
    Sylvia Woelke

  • Audit Committee

    In lieu of the Supervisory Board, the Audit Committee performs the following tasks in particular:

    • Approval of the launch of capital market programs, taking out bonds, agreeing credit lines and other loans with an amount of between EUR 50 million and EUR 200 million in the individual case.
    • Dealing with accounting issues and monitoring the accounting process; In this respect, the Committee receives regular reports from the Management Board on the effects of the changes in accounting and accounting standards that are relevant for the Group or the Company, in particular IFRS; it can make recommendations or suggestions to ensure the integrity of the accounting process;
    • Discussing the quarterly financial reports and the half-yearly financial report as well as discussion of partial results of the audit;
    • Supervising the final year-end audit and determining the key audit matters;
    • Supervising and safeguarding the independence of the auditor during the execution of the audit as well as dealing with the additional services provided by the auditor; the provision of non-prohibited non-audit services by the auditor and his network to the company or a company of the group requires the prior approval of the audit committee; the examination board can draw up guidelines for the provision of such services;
    • Conduction of tender and selection procedures for auditor mandates in accordance with the statutory provisions for external rotation of the auditor, in particular Article 16 et seq. Of the EU Auditing Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 16, 2014 on specific requirements for the statutory audit of public-interest entities and repealing Commission Decision 2005/909 / EC);
    • Issuing the audit assignment for external support of the Supervisory Board in reviewing the content of the non-financial reporting as well as carrying out the tender and selection procedures for such an assignment;
    • Engaging in questions of group tax planning;
    • Engaging with the report by the Management Board on donations.

    In addition, the Audit Committee shall perform preparatory work for the Supervisory Board and issue resolutions proposals. The preparatory work of the Audit Committee comprises the following tasks:

    • Questions of risk management and supervising the efficacy of the risk management system;
    • Supervising the efficacy of the internal audit system, internal control systems as well as so-called "anti-fraud"-measures;
    • Questions of Compliance and supervising the Compliance Management System within the Group;
    • Examining the annual and the consolidated financial statements including the respective management reports on the basis of the results of the audit and the supplementary explanations by the auditor and the evaluation of the audit reports as well as the examination of the proposal of the Management Board with regard to the appropriation of the balance sheet profit and
    • as the case may be, examining the dependency report;
    • Proposal of the Supervisory Board to the Annual General Meeting as regards the election of the auditor as well as the placement of the audit assignment with the auditor and concluding the audit fee agreement; with respect to the recommendation of the Audit Committee as regards the election of the auditor the provisions of art. 16 para. 2 of the EU regulation on auditors must be observed;
    • Examination of the non-financial declaration or the separate non-financial report and the non-financial group declaration or the separate non-financial group report, if these have been prepared;
    • Annual budget, medium-term plan and financing plan for the Group.

    Birgit Kretschmer (Chairwoman)
    Sylvia Woelke (Deputy Chairwoman)
    Ludwig Glosser
    Corinna Groß
    Peter Kimpel
    Sabine Nitzsche

  • Nomination Committee

    The Nomination Committee is responsible for proposing suitable candidates for the Supervisory Board to propose to the Annual General Meeting for election as shareholder representatives.

    Sabine Eckhardt (Chairwoman)
    Thomas Dannenfeldt
    Christoph Vilanek

  • Strategy Committee

    The tasks assigned to the Strategy Committee are to advise the Management Board on the basic issues relating to transactions arising from the strategy and to sound out the market with regard to possible strategic partnerships, investments and investees.

    Thomas Dannenfeldt (Chairman)
    Jürgen Schulz (Vice Chairman)
    Doreen Huber
    Sylvia Woelke

  • Mediation Committee pursuant to Sec. 27 para. 3 German Co-determination Act

    By law, the Mediation Committee is responsible for submitting proposals concerning appointments or revocations of appointments of members of the Management Board in the instances outlined in Sec. 31 para. 3 sentence 1 German Co-determination Act [MitbestG], respectively in Sec. 31 para. 5 MitbestG in conjunction with Sec. 31 para. 3 sentence 1 MitbestG.

    Thomas Dannenfeldt (Chairman)
    Birgit Kretschmer
    Jürgen Schulz

The topic Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) has gained more and more importance in recent years and is of essential importance for the CECONOMY Group (CECONOMY) as part of its strategy. 

In order to increase the focus on ESG in the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board of CECONOMY AG has decided to appoint Sabine Eckhardt and Daniela Eckardt as ESG representatives of the Supervisory Board. Sabine Eckhardt and Daniela Eckardt have an accompanying and advisory function. They will therefore focus strategically on ESG issues outside reporting and incentive mechanisms.

Due to her responsibility for ESG issues in her previous function as CEO Central Europe of Jones Lang LaSalle SE, Sabine Eckhardt has particular expertise in this area. As a trained retail saleswoman and thanks to her many years of professional experience, Daniela Eckardt is very familiar with practical company processes and is particularly good at identifying potential for improvement with regard to ESG issues. Her customer orientation also enables her to develop sustainable initiatives that are geared to customer interests.

The bylaws of the Supervisory Board are available here.

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